Pagest Panema

mockup software panema sitoweb

Designed for the development of your Shop. Multiplatform and with a simple Layout that can be used by anyone.
Not only for pc, even a Tablet or Smartphone is enough to work at its best.

The agenda in Web is the most loved and used tool.
Allows you to organize your workdays without having to talk on the phone and interrupt services on clients.
Connected to the best printing systems on the market.
It helps you in making
explode your
Business, through Reporting, Marketing and Promotional Plans.

Main features


Simplified in-room management, organized appointments, and consumer recognition for a consistently fair proposal.


Business intelligence for revenue growth. To organize your business plan and modify it over time for greater gains


A few clicks for receipt issuance through Epson fp81 or Rch Print f telematic cash registers.


History of services and treatments performed, Technical notes, Remind appointments, and global management of promotions with text messages/notifications.

Other services:

Pagest Panema


CHF 1500


On-site installation and installation on your smartphone


We also provide the support service remotely

Estimated installation

In a few hours

Web projects completed

We accompany businesses and companies in the development of their websites and information systems, marketing and digital advertising